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The following variable pages are organized by research domain categories as they are in the curated datasets, where they are all available for the exams where they were collected. The curated datasets contain detailed records of variables from participant exams and tests collected over multiple core and neuropsychological (NP) exam cycles.

Each entry in the curated dataset represents data captured during a specific exam cycle for an individual participant. This offers a longitudinal view of their medical status, so health metrics can be tracked and analyzed over time.

In the curated dataset as well as other FHS derived datasets, some variable names can have descriptive suffixes including which FHS exam or NP test they are from (e.g., โ€œ_core10โ€ or โ€œ_NP10โ€ respectively). This allows users to quickly identify repeated measurements of similar data, especially useful for longitudinal analysis. Not all variables have these suffixes, such as variables which are not longitudinal or refer to a single event occurrence. The numbers in the description column refer to exam numbers in the three cohort groups that the variable is available in. These three groups are Gen 1; Gen 2 and Omni 1; and Gen 3, Omni 2, and NOS.


DemographicsBasic demographic information including ID, core exam date, age, sex, race and education
Anthropometric MeasurementsBasic physical measurements of the body
SmokingSmoking status
Blood Pressures, Heart Rate, Ventricular Hypertrophy and AntihypertensivesMetrics of blood pressure, heart rate, ventricular hypertrophy presence and antihypertensive intake
Blood Glucose, Diabetes and TreatmentMeasures of blood glucose metrics, and diabetes metrics and treatment
Lipid Panel and Hyperlipidemia TreatmentCholesterol measurements and information about related treatment
CreatinineSerum creatinine measure
Alcohol ConsumptionMeasures of alcohol consumption
Neuropsychological assessmentsData from the from the neuropsychological (NP) exams, which are separate from the core exams. The NP data contains measurements from a comprehensive neuropsychological battery, which includes a wide variety of cognitive tests that measure different aspects of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional functioning by examining various aspects of brain function.
Matching NP Dates with Core Exam DatesCore exams and NP exams are not synchronized and take place on different days and cycles. These variables help to match the exam dates.
Verified Outcomes โ€“ Dementia and Related VariablesDocumented dates and other information about dementia and other cognitive impairment. From FHS dementia review, which involves a systematic approach to identify and evaluate participants for dementia-related endpoints.
Verified Outcomes โ€“ First Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) EventDocumented date of first coronary heart disease (CHD) event
Verified Outcomes โ€“ First Stroke (CVA) EventDocumented date of first stroke (CVA) event
Verified Outcomes โ€“ First Atrial Fibrillation (AF) EventDocumented date of first atrial fibrillation (AF) event
Verified Outcomes โ€“ First Cancer and Related VariablesDocumented dates and other information related to first cancer event
Survival InformationDates of last documented contact and death of participant
PrevalenceHistory of certain conditions present at core and NP exams
FHS CVD Risk ScoreFHS CVD risk score and component scores
FHS Stroke Risk ProfileFHS stroke risk profile and component scores
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)Scores of MMSE questionnaire, used to test for cognitive impairment. Data from core exam.
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)Scores of CES-D questionnaire, used to test for depression. Data from core exam.
Neuropath Data and AvailabilityNeuropathological data relating to presence of brain disease, from FHS participants who volunteered to donate their brains for research purposes. Neuropathological evaluation of autopsied brains was performed and gross neuropathological findings were recorded.

In addition, we have pages for some categories that are not contained in the curated dataset. These are categories related to legacy data collection and processing.

(Coming Soon)

Traumatic Brain Injury Retrospective Chart ReviewTraumatic brain injuries (TBI) are either an occurrence of injury to the head that is documented in a medical record. This data also includes measurements related to the TBI.
Qualitative Errors in Neuropsychological ExamsThis dataset contains measurements related to Boston Process Approach (BPA) Errors which participants made during their neuropsychological assessments, administered between 2005 and 2021.
Hand score clock drawing testTest involving participant manually drawing clocks and the results being graded. Widely used in both research and clinical practice to assess cognitive function, particularly in elderly individuals and those with neurological or psychiatric disorders.

The subpages linked to from this page include variables from all three curated datasets. The datasets respectively are for Gen 1; Gen 2 and Omni 1; and Gen 3, Omni 2, and NOS. Each of the curated datasets has its own coding manual that contains documenation information for each variable. The coding manuals, which are publicly accessible, are below.

Curated Dataset Gen 1 Manualโ€‹

Curated Dataset Gen 2 and Omni 1 Manualโ€‹

Curated Dataset Gen 3, Omni 2, and NOS Manualโ€‹